2024 Northern New Jersey Walk for Apraxia

Team Grayson

Do you believe, “Every Child Deserves a Voice?”

We do… and we invite you to join TEAM GRAYSON at the Walk for Apraxia. Grayson works hard every day to learn how to speak and we want to celebrate him and all of his strength on this journey. By joining our team, you will walk beside us as we celebrate Grayson and all the Apraxia Stars and support our efforts to raise funds for Apraxia Kids. With these funds, Apraxia Kids will continue to strengthen the support systems in the lives of children with apraxia of speech by educating professionals and families; facilitating community engagement and outreach; and investing in the future through advocacy and research.

Unable to walk? That’s ok! You can still participate in helping our team meet our fundraising goal by making a donation now.

Together we can accomplish amazing things for Grayson and all the Apraxia Stars.

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