I walk for Apraxia Kids...
...because "Every child deserves a voice."
...because children diagnosed with apraxia of speech are known as Apraxia Stars for a reason. These children amaze and inspire me every day and my wish for them is to knos they are not alone, that they have a village both within and beyond the apraxia community.
...to raise funds for the mission of Apraxia Kids. Every day, these funds strengthen the support systems in the lives of children with CAS. They help educate more providers of care how to effectively diagnose, treat, and manage CAS. They help families and professionals connect with CAS resources. They fund critical research that betters the work we are doing to support Apraxia Stars.
Please help me meet my fundraising goal by making a donation now and/or joining us at the Walk for Apraxia. You, too, can make an impact for children and families affected by apraxia!