2024 Baltimore Walk for Apraxia

Team Oliver

Oliver is a fun, loving, and silly kid who works so hard every day to communicate the amazing thoughts in his head.  He has participated in speech therapy services since he was 18 months old.  While he made some progress, it was slow and inconsistent.  Shortly after his 3rd birthday, he was diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech, a neurological condition that impacts motor planning for soeech.  His brain knows exactly what he wants to say, but his brain is unable to coordinate the movements to make the sounds and words in an intelligible fashion.  Oliver has worked with several incredible speech therapists (Ms. Megan, Ms. Maddy, and Ms. Karen to name a few!) and has made tremendous progress.  However, apraxia is a lifelong condition and he still has a long ways to go toward the goal of being able to effectively communicate everything he wants to say.

We invite you to join our team to walk beside us as we celebrate all the Apraxia Stars, including Oliver, and support our efforts to raise funds for Apraxia Kids.  With these funds, Apraxia Kids will continue to strengthen the support systems in the lives of children with apraxia of speech by educating professionals and families; facilitating community engagement and outreach; and investing in the future through advocacy and research.

Unable to walk?  That’s ok!  You can still participate in helping our team meet our fundraising goal by making a donation now.

Together we can accomplish amazing things for our Apraxia Stars.

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