2024 DC Walk for Apraxia


Mighty Mia

I created this page to join this event with two things in mind... to bring awareness and to help create a community of support for other that have children with apraxia.

Our Families story:

Mia was born in December 2011. She was growing normal however she never hit her milestones, it wasn't concerning until we reached her 18 month check up - at this point, she still wasn't walking or talking. Fast forward, 3 months and umpteen doctor appointments, Mia was diagnosed with Cerebellar Ataxia. Cerebellar Ataxia is a symptom of a genetic disorder she was born with where the part of her brain, that controls her gait, motor skills and balance is not growing at the same rate of the rest of the brain. With her brain issues comes childhood apraxia of speech.

With the support of our gracious family and friends, therapists and teachers Mia has been persevering and has overcome so much. We are excited to bring you a glimpse of this journey with us and can't thank you enough for your support in helping our sweet girl FIND HER VOICE!

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