2024 Long Island Walk for Apraxia

Bobby is a Motor Magician!
Bobby is a Motor Magician!

Bobby's Motor Magicians

Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder that makes it difficult for children to speak. CAS makes it difficult or impossible for an affected child to plan the movements of the lips, tongue, jaw, etc. that are needed for speech.

Children with apraxia of speech predominately have a quality understanding of language - they know what they want to say - but have difficulty learning or performing the complex movements that underlie speech. Apraxia of speech is one of the most severe childhood speech and communication disorders.

For years, our son Bobby has faced significant challenges in speech, with his expressive communication varying dramatically even within the same conversation. This inconsistency has not only been confusing for Bobby but also deeply distressing, often resulting in tears and frustration when he is misunderstood.

We beleive that God gives Superpowers to kids like Bobby so that they can inspire other children and adults to be kind, seek solutions and turn challenges into opportunities.

We are excited to bring awareness to our community about this speech problem in children. Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is still unfamiliar, misunderstood, and continues to have a significant impact on children and their families. Speech and communication are critical skills for young children to develop. We need to support children with apraxia of speech and their families.

The only proven treatment for CAS is motor-based therapy, and is quite costly as it extends over many years for these children. Through endless determination and hard work, children affected with CAS continue through their struggles to learn a skill - speaking - that comes effortlessly to other children.

We walk to support all children diagnosed with apraxia of speech - our Apraxia Stars. Together we can show these children they are not alone and to acknowledge all the hard work they must do to overcome communication challenges that affect their day-to-day lives.

We are grateful to help raise funds for the mission of Apraxia Kids – to strengthen the support systems in the lives of children with apraxia of speech by educating professionals and families; facilitating community engagement and outreach; and investing in the future through advocacy and research.

Please come alongside us by making a donation now or by joining our team. You, too, can make an impact for children and families affected by apraxia!

We believe, “Every child deserves a voice.”



Learn more at apraxia-kids.org



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