2024 Guelph Walk for Apraxia

Kiss my Apraxia

Everyone who's found their way to this page knows Dawson and knows his journey towards his Apraxia diagnosis. They know his struggles, his frustration when he struggles to gets the words out. But most importantly they know his achievements, they know how proud he gets of himself (as he should) and how hard he works. He's come so far! That is why this year we walk! We walk to support him, and all other children pushing through the same diagnosis. We walk to improve the resources towards these children. And most importantly we walk to celebrate Dawson's achievements and hard work! And of course to fundraiser for a better future and more access to resources and research and help to further these achievements! Every child deserves a voice! Let's make that happen



Do you believe, “Every Child Deserves a Voice?”

We do… and we invite you to join our team at the Walk for Apraxia.  By joining our team, you will walk beside us as we celebrate all the Apraxia Stars and support our efforts to raise funds for Apraxia Kids.  With these funds, Apraxia Kids will continue to strengthen the support systems in the lives of children with apraxia of speech by educating professionals and families; facilitating community engagement and outreach; and investing in the future through advocacy and research.

Unable to walk?  That’s ok!  You can still participate in helping our team meet our fundraising goal by making a donation now.

Together we can accomplish amazing things for our Apraxia Stars.

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