2024 Seattle Walk for Apraxia


Could you imagine going EVERY single day, knowing EXACTLY what you want to say but being unable to get it out? Or when you do speak you sound nothing like you planned? Kids with Childhood Apraxia of speech (1:1000 kids) go through this daily! Yet despite their communication challenges, are the happiest,most thoughtful kids ever! Our Grace was diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech in March 2023. Since her diagnosis we have been out in our community working on raising awareness, reaching out to others and making every moment a learning oppertunity. The kids and I love and support Aprakka-kids and their mission. We raise funds for other families just beginning their journey with apraxia! For the families who have been a part of this community for years! The more we raise the more apraxia-kids is able to reach, educate,provide and inform many others with various tools!

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