2024 Philadelphia Walk for Apraxia

Temple CSD / CASTLE Camp

 Welcome to the Temple CSD / CASTLE Camp Team page!

Every year since 2015, we have walked the Philadelphia Walk with a team of students, faculty members, speech-language pathologists, children with CAS who have participated in our research over the years, and their families. We are pleased to announce that we have a team again this year, and you are invited to join us. We are hoping for a large team again this year and we hope to raise lots of money for the good cause!

We walk to celebrate all the Apraxia Stars and raise funds for Apraxia Kids.With these funds, Apraxia Kids will continue to strengthen the support systems in the lives of children with apraxia of speech by educating professionals and families; facilitating community engagement and outreach; and investing in the future through advocacy and research.

Unable to walk?  That’s ok!  You can still participate in helping our team meet our fundraising goal by making a donation now.

Those of you who are “veterans” of our team know that every year we take our team out for pizza after the Walk. We are excited to be able to do that again this year. More details will follow later.

Please let me know if you have any questions. We look forward to walking the Walk with you!



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